Thursday, June 19, 2008

Will Moshe Feiglin Win a Knesset Seat?

According to a poll taken last Friday, 42% of Likud members answered that they would like to see Moshe Feiglin in the Knesset. This poll and others that have recently been taken put Moshe in approximately 18th place on the Likud Knesset list, which means that his chances to serve in the Knesset following the next elections are very good. Furthermore, according to a number of indications, the Likud will win more Knesset seats with Moshe Feiglin on its list. In other words, Moshe Feiglin is an asset to the Likud ticket.

This does not mean, however, that we can sit back and relax. Those who dream of a state of all its citizens and who always look to the Left for a feeling of legitimacy will zealously oppose Moshe Feiglin's candidacy. The media and the analysts will do all that they can to convince the Likud voters that Moshe Feiglin is a liability on the Likud ticket.

The internal conflicts in the Likud and the verbal attacks against Moshe Feiglin have created the impression that there is no real difference between the Likud and the other parties, bringing the Likud to its all-time low of just twelve Knesset seats in the previous elections. This time, after the public has been disenchanted yet again with the Left, it seems that the Likud is poised to win many more Knesset seats. Now is the time for each and every one of us to personally speak to the Likud members, many of whom are family, friends and neighbors and to convince them to vote for Moshe Feiglin - the faith-based candidate on the Likud ticket.

Manhigut Yehudit needs your help now more than ever. You can help to get our message out. Support Manhigut Yehudit, print out this update and distribute it in your community, arrange a Manhigut Yehudit lecture in your community, and tell your friends about the fast-growing Jewish Leadership alternative. For information call:

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